TRANSFER FUNCTIONS we difierentiate dky dtk = fiky(t) and we flnd dny dtn a1 dn¡1y dtn¡1 a2 dn¡2y dtn¡2 any= a(fi)y(t) = 0 If s= fiis a pole the solution to the difierentialA SISO continuoustime transfer function is expressed as the ratio G (s) = N (s) D (s), of polynomials N(s) and D(s), called the numerator and denominator polynomials, respectively YouRecall that Transfer Functions are represented in this form TF(s)=O(s)/I(s) where O(s) is the output and I(s) is the input After a system has been represented by a Transfer Function, the Transfer Function Of Control System Electrical4u Transfer function equation is y=f(x)